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5 things you should know before eating tacos in Mexico City

I finally made it to Mexico City after spending all day in various airports with multiple delays…. thanks to mother nature we needed just one more snowstorm to make this year complete… ughhh but the fact is I made it in one piece and extremely hungry. Lucky for me I had the forethought to book a taco tour prior to leaving the states and boy was I ready for some tacos.  I met my guide Axel a native of Mexico City and a world-traveled chef so I was in good hands. Which was a good thing because I realized I knew NOTHING about tacos!!! Our first stop was for veggie tacos…. to be honest veggie is not really my thing but hey let’s give it a try and that’s when I found out #1 of the things I didn’t know….. did you know that Guacamole and Salsa verde has a lot of the same ingredients??? they are named differently because of how they are cooked… Guacamole in Mexico is boiled while Salsa Verde is fried. #2 was really strange but still tasty … my second taco was made with corn and this black/ purple mushroom… well kind of… In Mexico they eat a fungus that grows on the corn it’s called Huitlacoche it’s kind of the truffle of Mexican food and that’s what the black/purple mushroom was… so # 2 corn fungus tastes good…. I can believe I just wrote that but it’s true. #3.. there are two sides to a tortilla… a hard side and a soft side.. the soft side has tiny air pockets that soak up the juice the hard side doesn’t. If you try and put the meat and juice on the hard side it will fall apart and then you have to put it in a bowl and call it taco salad… and let’s face it no one wants that. #4 The names of peppers change if they are dried or roasted… the Jalapeno becomes the Chipoltle and the Pablano becomes the Ancho… ok I have to admit my mind was a little blown by this one.  and finally, for the strangest things I found out about tacos #5….. they have a taco that people actually seem to like called the Ojo taco…. for those of you who failed high school Spanish ( I may or may not be in that group….. sorry Senorita Elmore ) Ojo means eye…… they eat eye tacos…  according to my guide its kinda the texture of fat but it melts in your mouth…. I didn’t throw up… but trust me I wanted to.

Tacos are one of my favorite foods and thanks to my guide Axel at Airbnb experiences I learned a lot about them and the best part was right here in the heart of Taco country …. I love Mexico City … make sure it’s on your to-do list 🙂

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