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10 Ways to Have the BEST Week Ever

Sunday….. The blissful day of rest. We’ve worked all week and now is our time for Netflix and Family right?? Well you could do that but if you take just a few minutes to prepare for the week you might not have to look forward to Sunday so much. Here are 10 things that you can do to start your week off right with less stress and more time to relax. 


A to-do list for the week is an absolute must. You can’t get it done if you don’t know you need to do it. I usually keep an ongoing list in my purse and then on Sunday I rate each thing from 1-3. 1 being most important and 3 I’ll get to it if I can. Then I take all the 1’s and put them in my planner then the 2’s and a few of the 3’s if there is still available time. 

Then I get out a new piece of paper label it with the next week’s dates and start adding things as they pop up throughout the week


I know it’s everyone’s least favorite chore but laundry is kinda a necessity if you want to be around other humans. It’s not even the washing and drying part, let’s face it the machine does most of that but the putting away… ughhhhh. I find that if I plan my outfits as I Am folding my laundry I can accomplish two mundane tasks at once …if you’re going to have to do it you may as well get it all done at once.


I know that Sundays can get crazy at the grocery store but thanks to the internet you can sit down and grocery shop online… and they deliver. So keep a list throughout the week of what you need and place your order …it’s that simple.


New year new you right? Well, that can come to a screeching halt if you don’t have what you need to get in the workout. I usually throw a gallon size bag into my gym bag so when I take off the super sweaty clothes I can contain the smell till wash time. 


I’m not saying deep clean the stove but spruce it up a bit. Clean up the kitchen, run a vacuum over the living room floor and of course, my personal favorite make the bed. I always feel like when my bed is made I really have my life Another thing to do is clean out the fridge of all the old takeout boxes and veggies you were going to eat before they died. Then take out the trash. No one wants to start the week with a stinky trash smell.


Our purses are catchalls for everything from chewing gum to receipts to bills and old lipsticks and who knows what’s lurking at the bottom. Cleaning out your purse will lessen the strain on your shoulder but it will also make finding things when you need them so much easier and that will make for a better week.


You’ve added in your to-do list but how about those things that make life worth living. Make sure that you put in a few fun things and some quality time with the ones you love. 

Also, take a look at how many things you have to do. It may look possible to get them all done but don’t overwhelm yourself. Take off a few of those things that can wait or even better delegate them if possible. 


So many times the car becomes our home away from home. We spend a lot of time driving and with the invention of the drive-through window we can now get everything from food to prescriptions all from the comfort of the driver’s seat. The cost of spending so much time there is that we tend to collect a mountain of trash. So take a few minutes and clear out the clutter.


Keep a list of things you want to accomplish. The simple act of reading them keeps them in the forefront of your mind. Do you want to lose 20 pounds, write a book, take a dream vacation? Then think of at least two things you can do this week to move you toward that goal and put them on your calendar. 

10. REST

You’ve prepared for the week, you’re starting with a clean slate and plan for success so now it’s ME time. Take a bubble bath, watch a show or just hang out with the family but recharge those batteries so that you’re ready to take on the world on Monday morning. 

Now that you know what needs to be done … just do it and start this week off the best you possibly can… you are worth it.

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