
29 Ways to Share the LOVE

Love… it’s what makes the world go round .. right??? In a world where we are isolated by work,  computers and just plain exhaustion reaching out to someone to let them know you care can be the last thing on your mind. I challenge you to do it anyway and to help you along, I’m giving you 29 easy ways to spread the love. Try one each day and the best part is they are totally free. 

  1. Say please and thank you…. I know this sounds simple but we often get busy and forget. This is an easy way to show respect and with that love … so mind your manners and say it. 
  2. Hold the door… the simple act of letting someone enter before you make them feel special. If you really want to go above and beyond to make eye contact and say hello.
  3. Pick up the trash… we all see on the city streets and walk past it anyway. Reach down… preferably with a glove or tissue and pick up and throw it away. A clean space not only makes people happy but it’s good for the environment too. 
  4. Welcome new people.. Whether it’s to the neighborhood, office or classroom, greet the new person. It’s hard when you make a change and a friendly face is always welcome
  5. Offer your seat… we are all going to have a time when standing is going to be difficult. It doesn’t matter if it’s due to age or physical limitations if you see someone struggling, help them.
  6. Smile…. Sometimes all it takes to brighten someone’s day…It can also be contagious so spread the love by spreading the smiles. 
  7. Donate…. There are so many ways to do this. We all have unwanted items in our homes just taking up space to try and find the best place for these items and donate them… you never know who is going to really need what you don’t. 
  8. Write encouraging messages on post its and stick them everywhere…. You never know when your message is going to be the words of encouragement someone needs to hear. 
  9. Write a thank-you note…. So often we forget to acknowledge people, the simple act of writing a thank you note can mean the world to someone. 
  10. Let people through in traffic… I know we all lead busy lives and letting someone in front of you makes your commute even longer but do it anyway. You never know when that simple act of kindness will totally make someone’s day.
  11. Wave if someone lets you out in traffic…. Acknowledging kindness will encourage people to do it again.
  12. Give a compliment….. You can always find something nice to say if you try. There are so many wonderful things about people…. Focus on one and let them know.
  13. Volunteer… luckily there is no shortage of places that could use your help check out and find an organization that could use your help today.
  14. Listen…. Sometimes that’s all someone needs. Even if you don’t understand what they are going through just listening can have a therapeutic effect.
  15. Genuinely ask someone how they are doing…. And listen to their response.
  16. Make a call… we all have family and friends that can’t get out as much as they used to a call from you could really make their day.
  17. Give a hug… I know not everyone is a hugger but the act of hugging releases endorphins and makes us happy… humans are weird like that.
  18. Babysit… sometimes a few hours of self-care time is what a parent needs and being around children with their unique point of view can be a wonderful experience. Try it and see.
  19. Say I’m Sorry… Nobody wants to be wrong but when you have acknowledged it. People need to know that their feelings matter.
  20. Go visit your parents or grandparents… we can get busy and we tell ourselves they will always be there but we know that’s not true… They loved you before anyone else so shows them some love now. 
  21. Pray for someone…. I know that not everyone is religious but the act of prayer or sending good vibes is a way to wish good for someone and that is always appreciated.
  22. Let them sleep… I know sometimes it’s hard but let them sleep. Our bodies have natural clocks and sleep is essential to health so letting someone sleep is a way to show that you care about them and their health.
  23. Use a kind voice… even if you have to fake it. We don’t always feel like being nice but sacrifices are made for the people we love.
  24. Respect their wishes…. We all think we know what’s best but acknowledging and respecting someone’s wishes is a kind of love that needs to be given.
  25. Send a copy of a picture to the person in it… we all want to remember the good times and to know that someone is thinking about us… this is two birds with one act of kindness.
  26. Bake some cookies.. While this is technically not free it’s still pretty low cost and people love tasty sweets.
  27. Share a good recipe…. When someone says they like what you have made write down the recipe… It takes one minute and every time they cook it they will think fondly of you.
  28. Take advice…. You may never use it but listening when someone wants to help is a sign of respect and love. 
  29. Finally…. Invite someone to play… as adults we don’t do this enough…it could be a trip to the park or a day of finger painting… but play…sending laughter out into the universe is a wonderful way to share love into the world.

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