The night sky as we embark on a Costa Rican adventure

An Adventure Awaits







The night sky as we embark on a Costa Rican adventure
An adventure awaits                                                                                                                                         As our plane glides lower and lower into the inky landscape of the Central American country of Costa Rica I ponder the decisions that have brought me to this new adventure. The biggest of them being a promise that I made to myself  to see as much of the world as I could while I could. Like most nurses I spend a lot of my time around death and dying along with elderly and severely disabled. By nature I’m a pretty social person and in far too many conversations I hear a repeating theme I wish I could… I wish a would….and Now I’ll never…. All of these are normally followed by something that I currently could do if I would just get my tookus off the couch. I firmly believe in the old adage of .. In the end we will worry more about the things we didn’t do than the things we did. I was already worrying about those things. I needed to take more chances in my life and really start to live. I wanted to see the beauty and wonder of all the unknown places that my soul yearned for. I was missing these things, all these experiences just waiting for me to enjoy them, but first I had to remove myself from in front of the T.V.
 My children were out living their own lives and my marriage was long gone so what was holding me back? I’d finally run out of excuses. I can’t say that I was scared to travel, more like I was just lazy and complacent. I was worried it was going to be to time consuming with all the planning and not to mention it was going to cost a small fortune. I was wrong on both accounts. But one thing I did want was a travel partner. Enter Brittanie. The one sleeping in the seat next to me .I had the gratuitous fortune of starting a travel assignment in Southern Texas on the same day as Brittanie. We were in orientation with about 8 or 9 other travel nurses but Brittanie and I just clicked. After her housing situation turned out to be a disaster, she came to live next door to me. The summer months in Southern Texas can be brutal but having a great friend to explore the area with made it much more tolerable. We often talked about traveling the world and we hatched a crazy plan to make our next assignment a 6 day on 8 day off assignment so we would have time to travel. It took a little while but we finally both had assignments that made it work . Which brings us to the here and now. Currently working just outside Houston it was time for us to take the plunge. Costa Rica was first on our list. So we made a plan , packed our bags and climbed on this big metal bird. 
As we touch down with all the grace of a baby elephant and I’m jarred out of my wistful pondering and back to my crazy feelings of shear joy and apprehension.  I take a deep breath and steady my nerves , I’m ready for an adventure. The first of many  I hope, and as I plan on sharing all of them with you , my reader, lets go find the excitement and experiences that have been patiently waiting for us to get off the couch.

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