
Top 5 Reasons I Want to see the World

      As I pack for my first trip out of the US in many years I reflect on a question asked by one of my co-workers. He asked “ Why would anyone want to leave the states in these troubled times.”

Ive sat here for a long time pondering this question… knowing how I feel about it but unable to come up with the right wording to get my point across. I understand there are bad people in the world… but I also understand there are wonderful people in the world. People I haven’t met in places I’ve never seen.


So I came up with the top 5 reasons I want to see the world.


  1. Perspective

In the US as in any country we are the center of our universe. Its hard for us to imagine what its like to live anywhere else. We watch TV and movies and think we have an idea of what another place is like. We question different lifestyles and cultures without any clear answers. While America is a very diverse country meeting someone from a country verses actually being in that country when you meet can be a totally different experience. I want to gain an understanding of different cultures and lifestyles as a way to better understand the world that I live in.


  1. Freedom

We hear this word a lot in the US. How free are you really if you don’t feel comfortable leaving your country. I will not let the hatred and terrorism that’s spewed from a few keep me from meeting the many. We can’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch. I believe God made this entire world and I believe he made it for all of us to see and enjoy. I will not sit by and be scared to leave. I think that is what they want.


  1. To see things before they are gone.

Everything in this world will one day be dust. That’s just science. But we are losing things at an alarming rate. Animals , landmarks, whole groups of people. If you don’t see them now you may never get the chance.


  1. To represent America

The fact is as Americans we sometimes get a bad rap. The rest of the world has been known to say we are loud and obnoxious and uneducated. I would like to end these sterotypes or at least let them know we arent all that way. Maybe I’ll leave the “ Merica” Tshirt at home.


  1. Fun

Its exciting and new and fun. There are so many things to do and see in this world. When you travel,  the world really is your oyster… I guess thats not really a good example seeing that I have a shellfish allergy but you get my meaning. Its all out there… waiting to be seen and experienced.
Well I leave tomorrow for what I hope is the start of many adventures. As I sit here trying to pack everything I think I might need my heart is in my throat. I feel like Bilbo Baggins minus the furry feet and ring. My excitement level is through the roof. While I dont know exactly what this adventure will bring Im confident it will change me for the better.


  • martins

    I enjoyed your piece on why you want to see the world. I do share the same reason but as a family man and bills to pay, I see a bit of it on the way to work and the shop. but I will keep track of you trips around and see the world from your camera eyes and your heart expression.

    • tclark363@yahoo.com

      Thank you Martin….but you have seen a lot of interesting places too and hearing about them from you has been a gift and given me some ideas of where to go next…so thank you

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